Having created one of the most memorable moments of the Olympic Games by winning gold, Pottharst now takes organisational teams through the exact same process that took her to the impossible pinnacle of world sport. The powerful session helps staff overcome fear and doubt, convinces them to push past limitations and bolsters personal belief. And, just as Pottharst’s gold medal training did, the session ends with a walk over broken glass.
“I was an ordinary person who did something extraordinary,” Pottharst, who has represented Australia in sport for more than 20 years, says.
“How did this happen? What steps did it take? It wasn’t just a fluke, there was a lot of goal setting and there was a definite plan put in place before we could succeed. This is exactly the way it should be for teams and leaders in business.”
“But when it came to overcoming the most difficult obstacle – the battle against Brazil for the gold medal, the biggest issue was, in fact, a simple one. It was about changing our thought pattern, realising nothing is impossible”. The volleyball legend now coaches and mentors other elite athletes in the areas of self development and success – teaching others to be better than they ever dreamed, and showing them how they can perform consistently at this enhanced level again and again.
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